The Rick Love Peace Award 2021

Rick Love (1952 - 2019) was the Founder and first President of Peace Catalyst International.

Rick Love (1952 - 2019) was the Founder and first President of Peace Catalyst International.

Rick Love was a peacemaker with a dream. He wanted to catalyze a peacemaking movement. He wanted Christians to embrace peacemaking and peacebuilding as a critical component of following Jesus. 

At Peace Catalyst, we are continuing that legacy by establishing the Rick Love Peace Award. Not only do we plan to give one award to someone who has followed Rick’s example of building peace between Muslims and Christians, but we also want to mobilize the next generation of peacemakers with two additional awards for innovative young peacebuilders.

Rick started Peace Catalyst to raise up peacemakers. We want to use these awards to connect with university programs that teach peacemaking and to offer their best students a path to a career in peacebuilding. We will help them raise funds. We will give them an orientation to Rick’s methods of peacemaking supplemented by what we have learned since Peace Catalyst began in 2010. Then we will help them assess what is going on in their area and walk with them as they start their peacebuilding career. Like Rick, we want to see them follow the teachings and practices of the Prince of Peace. 

In the coming months, we will be calling for nominations. These awards will be promoted through social media, universities, and the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AFP), a DC-based network of 140 peace organizations. We will present the first Rick Love Peace Awards at AFP’s annual gathering in January of 2022.

We believe these awards will help Peace Catalyst build the peacemaking movement Rick dreamed of, and you can help make it happen!

We are currently raising funds for this year’s awards. Give to sponsor the award here. A gift of any amount can help launch the career of a Jesus-focused peacemaker, and all donations, whatever the amount, are an investment in our collective future!