This is the impact you made in 2022!

Whatever our place in society, it's easy these days to feel like division, cancel culture, and disconnection are tearing apart our communities and hard to imagine a solution.

But it IS possible to heal division and re-build connection, and you're making it happen! We know that when we work together, we can turn things around, and we thank you for doing your part to build stronger and safer communities.

In 2022, you were a powerful part of the solution by:

  • Bringing together 8,558 extremely diverse people in more than 11 countries to learn how to listen to each other, converse across lines of difference, and transform society together.

  • Providing formal conflict transformation training to more than 172 people from all walks of life.

  • Enabling multifaith community service partnerships to supply food and other aid to 4,878 vulnerable neighbors in the U.S.

Your impact is changing the world by catalyzing collaborative peacebuilding across lines of difference, and we're looking forward to what we can accomplish together in 2023. Thank You!!

Nicole Gibson