Connecting in Community Step 1: KNOW YOUR STORY

It’s safe to say the world could use more peacebuilders, so we want to give YOU the tools to be one, right where you are.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Understanding is the first step in any peacebuilder’s journey, so for the end of the year we’re sharing 10 small, easy things you can do to start to understand yourself, your context, your community, and the conflicts in your setting.

The first way to develop understanding is to KNOW YOUR OWN STORY.

1. What conflicts, challenges, and experiences have formed who you are today?

2. Who have been mentors, role models, or catalysts for who you have become?

3. What values guide how you show up in your community?

We’re also hosting a whole conversation about these steps to understanding for the next few weeks in our Connecting In Community Facebook group. Join in for more content from us and to connect with and learn from others.